What is the Best Way to Learn Pickleball? Tips and Tricks for Beginners

November 20, 2023

If you’re looking for a fun and social way to stay active, pickleball might be the perfect sport for you. This fast-paced game is a cross between tennis, badminton, and ping-pong, and it’s easy to learn for people of all ages and skill levels. However, if you’re new to the game, you may be wondering what the best way is to learn pickleball.

One of the easiest and most efficient ways to get started in pickleball is to find someone you know who is really into it. They can give you a healthy start to the sport and help you learn the basics. You can also try taking a beginner’s class at a local community center or gym. These classes are designed for people who are new to the sport, and they can help you learn the rules, techniques, and strategies of the game.

Another way to learn pickleball is to watch videos and read articles online. There are many resources available that can help you improve your game, including instructional videos, tips from experienced players, and even online forums where you can ask questions and get advice. By taking advantage of these resources, you can learn the fundamentals of pickleball and start playing like a pro in no time.

Understanding Pickleball

Pickleball is a fun and exciting sport that combines elements of tennis, badminton, and ping-pong. It is played on a court that is about one-third the size of a tennis court, making it easier to cover the court and get to the ball. This game involves the use of a paddle and a hollow plastic ball with holes, much like a Wiffle ball.

To get started with pickleball, it is important to understand the basic rules of the game. Pickleball can be played as singles or doubles, with each player on the court taking turns hitting the ball over the net. The game starts with a serve, and the serving team must hit the ball diagonally across the court to the receiving team. Once the game begins, the two teams engage in a back-and-forth hitting of the ball, which continues until a team either doesn’t manage to hit it back or knocks it beyond the boundary lines.

One of the unique aspects of pickleball is the non-volley zone, also known as the kitchen. This is a seven-foot area on both sides of the net where players are not allowed to hit the ball in the air. Instead, they must let the ball bounce before hitting it in the kitchen. This rule helps to prevent players from dominating the net and encourages longer rallies.

To play pickleball, you will need some basic equipment, including a paddle, a plastic ball, and appropriate court shoes. When choosing a paddle, consider your comfort level and playing style. Lightweight paddles offer quicker hands, while heavier ones provide power. Balls designed specifically for pickleball are necessary, as their unique design plays a big role in how the game is played. Court shoes should provide good traction and support for quick movements on the court.

By understanding the basic rules and equipment of pickleball, you will be well on your way to enjoying this exciting sport. With practice and dedication, you can improve your skills and take your game to the next level.

Basic Rules of Pickleball

Pickleball is a fun and exciting sport that can be played by people of all ages and skill levels. Here are some basic rules to get you started:


The serve is the start of each rally in pickleball. The server must stand behind the baseline and serve the ball diagonally to the opponent’s service area. The serve must be underhand and the ball must be hit below the waist. The serve must also clear the non-volley zone, also known as the “kitchen”, which is the area within 7 feet of the net. If the serve hits the net and lands in the correct service area, it is called a “let” and the serve is replayed.


Pickleball is played to 11 points, and you must win by 2 points. Only the serving team can score a point. If the serving team wins the rally, they earn a point and continue serving. If the receiving team wins the rally, they become the serving team and can earn a point. The first team to reach 11 points and win by 2 points wins the game.

Double Bounce Rule

After the serve, each team must allow the ball to bounce once on their side of the court before hitting it. After the first bounce, the ball can be volleyed (hit in the air) or played off the bounce. This is called the “double bounce rule”. Once both teams have hit the ball, the ball can be volleyed or played off the bounce on either side of the court.

Non-Volley Zone (Kitchen)

The non-volley zone, or “kitchen”, is the area within 7 feet of the net. You cannot hit the ball in the air while standing in the kitchen. You can step into the kitchen after hitting the ball, but you must step back out before hitting the ball again. This rule is in place to prevent players from “spiking” the ball and potentially injuring their opponents.


There are several faults that can occur during a pickleball game. Faults include stepping into the non-volley zone while hitting the ball, hitting the ball out of bounds, serving out of turn, and hitting the ball into the net. If a fault occurs, the opposing team earns a point and becomes the serving team.

By following these basic rules, you can start playing pickleball and enjoying all the fun and excitement it has to offer. Remember to always play fair and have fun!

Choosing the Right Equipment

If you want to learn pickleball, you need to have the right equipment. Here are the essential items you need to get started:

Pickleball Paddles

The paddle is the most important piece of equipment in pickleball. When choosing a paddle, you need to consider the weight, grip, and material. The weight of the paddle affects your ability to maneuver it, so you need to choose a weight that is comfortable for you. The grip is also important because it affects your ability to hold the paddle securely. You can choose between a thin or thick grip, depending on your preference. Finally, the material of the paddle affects how much power you can generate. Most paddles are made of either wood, composite, or graphite.

Pickleball Balls

Pickleball balls are similar to wiffle balls, but they are slightly larger and have smaller holes. When choosing a ball, you need to consider the color, size, and weight. Most pickleball balls are yellow, but you can also find them in other colors. The size and weight of the ball affect how it moves through the air and how it bounces on the court. You can choose between indoor and outdoor balls depending on where you plan to play.

Appropriate Attire

Pickleball is a sport that requires a lot of movement, so you need to wear appropriate attire. You should wear comfortable, breathable clothing that allows you to move freely. Avoid wearing clothing that is too loose or too tight. You should also wear athletic shoes that provide good support and traction. Avoid wearing shoes that have a smooth sole, as they can cause you to slip on the court.

By choosing the right equipment, you can improve your performance and enjoy playing pickleball more. Make sure to choose equipment that is comfortable and suits your playing style.

Mastering the Techniques

To become a skilled pickleball player, you need to master the basic techniques of the game. These techniques include serving, returning the serve, dinking, and slamming. In this section, we will explore each of these techniques in more detail.


The serve is one of the most important shots in pickleball. A good serve can put your opponent on the defensive and give you an advantage in the game. To master the serve, you need to practice different serving techniques, such as the forehand serve, backhand serve, and the lob serve. Experiment with different grips to find the one that feels most comfortable for you.

Return of Serve

Returning the serve is just as important as the serve itself. To return the serve effectively, you need to be able to read your opponent’s serve and anticipate where the ball is going to land. A good return of serve can put your opponent on the defensive and give you an opportunity to take control of the game. Practice returning different types of serves, such as the forehand return, backhand return, and lob return.


Dinking is a soft shot that is used to keep the ball low over the net. It is an essential technique in pickleball, as it allows you to control the pace of the game and keep your opponent on the defensive. To master the dink shot, you need to practice your footwork and hand-eye coordination. Experiment with different grips to find the one that feels most comfortable for you.


Slamming is a powerful shot that is used to end the point quickly. It is an advanced technique that requires a lot of practice and skill. To master the slam shot, you need to be able to read your opponent’s shot and anticipate where the ball is going to land. You also need to have good footwork and hand-eye coordination. Practice slamming different types of shots, such as the forehand slam, backhand slam, and overhead slam.

By mastering these techniques, you will be able to take your pickleball game to the next level. Remember to practice regularly and be patient with yourself. With time and practice, you will become a skilled pickleball player.

Developing Strategies

Learning pickleball strategies is an essential part of improving your game. It is important to develop both singles and doubles strategies as they require different approaches. Here are some tips for developing your pickleball strategies.

Singles Strategy

In singles pickleball, the court is smaller, and there is only one opponent to worry about. The key to winning in singles pickleball is to keep the ball in play and force your opponent to make mistakes. Here are some tips to help you develop your singles strategy:

  • Stay at the baseline: In singles pickleball, it is important to stay at the baseline and hit the ball deep. This will force your opponent to hit the ball back, giving you more time to get into position.
  • Use the sidelines: Hitting the ball down the sidelines is a great way to keep your opponent on the move. This will make it harder for them to get into position and hit a good shot.
  • Move your opponent: Try to hit the ball to different parts of the court to make your opponent move. This will tire them out and make it easier for you to hit a winner.

Doubles Strategy

In doubles pickleball, the court is larger, and there are two opponents to worry about. The key to winning in doubles pickleball is to work together with your partner and communicate effectively. Here are some tips to help you develop your doubles strategy:

  • Stay in your position: In doubles pickleball, it is important to stay in your position and cover your side of the court. This will prevent your opponents from hitting the ball between you and your partner.
  • Communicate with your partner: Communication is key in doubles pickleball. Make sure to call out the ball and let your partner know where you are on the court.
  • Use the middle: Hitting the ball down the middle is a great way to confuse your opponents and force them to make mistakes. This will also make it easier for you and your partner to cover the court.

By developing your pickleball strategies, you will be able to improve your game and win more matches. Remember to practice your strategies regularly and communicate effectively with your partner in doubles pickleball.

Practicing Drills

One of the best ways to learn pickleball is through practicing drills. These drills can help you improve your skills and technique, as well as your overall fitness. There are two types of drills: solo drills and partner drills.

Solo Drills

Solo drills are great for improving your footwork, hand-eye coordination, and ball control. They are also a great way to warm up before a game. Here are a few solo drills you can try:

  • Wall hits: Stand about 10 feet away from a wall and practice hitting the ball against the wall. This will help you improve your accuracy and control.
  • Shadow dinking: Practice your dinking technique by pretending to hit the ball over the net and then returning to your ready position. This will help you improve your footwork and reaction time.
  • Lob practice: Practice hitting lobs by hitting the ball high into the air and then running back to your ready position. This will help you improve your timing and positioning.

Partner Drills

Partner drills are great for improving your communication, teamwork, and strategy. They are also a great way to practice specific shots and techniques. Here are a few partner drills you can try:

  • Third shot drop: Practice your third shot drop by hitting the ball softly over the net and into the kitchen. Your partner should then return the ball with a dink. This will help you improve your placement and control.
  • Dinking cross-court: Practice your cross-court dinking by hitting the ball diagonally across the court to your partner. Your partner should then return the ball with a cross-court dink. This will help you improve your accuracy and placement.
  • Skinny singles: Practice hitting the ball down the sideline by hitting the ball close to the net and down the sideline. Your partner should then return the ball with a cross-court dink. This will help you improve your placement and control.

Remember to practice these drills regularly and to focus on your technique and form. With practice, you will improve your skills and become a better pickleball player.

Joining Pickleball Clubs and Leagues

One of the best ways to learn pickleball is by joining a pickleball club or league. These organizations offer a supportive and social environment where you can play with other players of all levels and get access to training and coaching.

Finding a Club or League

To find a club or league near you, you can start by searching online for “pickleball clubs near me” or “pickleball leagues near me.” You can also check with your local community center, YMCA, or recreational facility to see if they offer pickleball programs.

Benefits of Joining a Club or League

Joining a club or league can provide a number of benefits to help you improve your game and have fun. Some benefits include:

  • Access to organized play and tournaments
  • Coaching and training from experienced players
  • Opportunities to play with and learn from players of all levels
  • Social events and activities with other pickleball enthusiasts

How to Join

To join a club or league, you will typically need to register and pay a fee. Some clubs and leagues may require you to have a certain skill level or rating to join, while others are open to players of all levels.

Once you have joined, you can start participating in organized play and training sessions. You may also have the opportunity to compete in tournaments and other events.

Joining a pickleball club or league can be a great way to improve your game and meet other players. With a supportive and social environment, you can learn from experienced players, participate in organized play, and have fun while playing pickleball.

Continual Learning and Improvement

To become a better pickleball player, you must commit to continual learning and improvement. This means that you should always be looking for ways to enhance your skills, whether it’s through self-study, practicing with a partner, or attending a pickleball camp.

One of the best ways to continually improve is to set goals for yourself. Decide what areas of your game you want to improve and focus on those areas during your practice sessions. Keep track of your progress and celebrate your successes along the way.

Another way to improve is to watch and learn from other players. You can observe their techniques, footwork, and shot selection. You may even want to ask them for tips or advice on how to improve your own game.

It’s also important to stay up-to-date on the latest pickleball trends and techniques. You can do this by reading articles, watching videos, and attending clinics or workshops. By staying informed, you can incorporate new strategies and tactics into your game.

Remember, improvement takes time and effort. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t see immediate results. Stay committed to your goals and keep working hard. With dedication and persistence, you’ll be on your way to becoming a better pickleball player.